Coins, medals, gold, silver, expertise, public auctions
Jean Elsen & ses Fils s.a.
The family company Jean Elsen & ses Fils s.a. has established itself as a house of expertise and of auctions of coins, medals, tokens, decorations and banknotes. Today, we are the leader in this sector in the Benelux.
Numismatics is the Science and the study on coins and medals. In all times coins and medals have been collected and gathered together for their beauty and historical interest. Coins are the contemporary witness of history and economy. Medals are the image of a period and a style. They are also objects of surprising art and fascination.
Jean Elsen & ses Fils, family company installed in since 1976, imposed itself as a leader in the Benelux and has a high rank among the European important companies.
Jean Elsen & ses Fils is a member of numerous numismatic societies and associations all over the world. It is also in touch with a huge number of museums, academic institutions and scientific high rated experts. Jean Elsen is a member of ABEX (Association of the Belgian Experts).

Our annual 4 public auctions are the subject of precious catalogues sent all over the world. They are also published on our internet site.
You are really welcomed in our offices on appointment from Monday up to Friday. We are located at Avenue de Tervueren, easily accessible from the Center of Brussels, very close to the European Institutions, more precisely between the Esplanade Cinquantenaire and the Montgomery square.
Opening hours
Appointments only
Monday - Friday
10:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 17:00
by appointment
Saturday by appointment